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About Us

Our monthly calendar of events includes activities throughout the month, providing fun and educational activities for our children, a forum for topics of interest to women, and a great chance to make lasting friendships!  The entire membership meets once a month to share ideas, discuss business and review the activities planned for the following month.  Attendance is not mandatory, so you can be involved as often as you like or as it fits your schedule.  You are free to participate as much or as little as you are able, but remember, you will only get as much out of the club as you put into it.

Past calendar events have included:

  • Playgroups Our playgroups are roughly separated by location.  However, anyone may attend any playgroup as long as they RSVP to the host.

  • Field Trips/Playdates Past activities included trips to local farms, children’s museums, fire station tours, and many more.  Field trips are a fun way to get to know fellow moms, as well as, have a wonderful experience with your child.

  • Park Days The events at local parks are scheduled throughout the month.  

  • Ladies at Lunch Get together for lunch while the big kids are in school.  It's a way for us to enjoy some time with friends during the day.

  • MOMS Night Out One night each month we get together for a moms only event.  Past activities have included dinner at a local restaurant, movies, mani/pedi's and many more.  These evenings provide a wonderful opportunity to enjoy a little “moms only” companionship and conversation.

  • Family Nights Occasionally, we schedule a fun night for the whole family, including Dad!  Past activities have included concerts in the park and afternoon park playdates.

  • Hikes/ Walks A great way to get some exercise with your kids and chat with friends! 

  • Parties  Our parties are some of our best events!  After all, who doesn’t like a party!  We have (4) main holidays that we celebrate together with our kids during the day: Valentine’s Day, Easter, Halloween, and a Holiday Party.  We also have a Year-End Party which is usually a MOMS Night Out event.

  • Coffee Time A couple times a month we meet for coffee at a local coffee shop that not only has great coffee and yummy treats, but a play area for our kids as well so we can relax and enjoy a hot cup of coffee while our kids play. 

  • Library Storytime  We try to meet at least once a month for story time as P.S. Miller Library.  

  • Meals For Moms This is a program for new moms or moms/families in need.  We coordinate volunteers from the club through to cook meals every other night (or as needed) for two weeks. 


  • Community Service Projects

    • Each MOMS Club® Chapter does their part to help support local charities within their community by participating in at least one community service project a year benefiting children and/or mothers.


Once you become a member, you will have access to our Facebook Group (where we maintain a calendar of events and daily activities).

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